A new actor in a minor role almost walked away with the picture. 这部影片中一个演配角的新演员几乎把观众的注意力都吸引过去了。
A British teenager playing a minor role in the upcoming "Harry Potter" film was stabbed to death during a brawl in London on Saturday, police said. 警方说,在周六伦敦的一次斗殴中,一位十几岁的少年被刺身亡,该少年在即将上映的电影《哈利波特》中饰演一个配角。
This renders the SDR largely irrelevant except in a minor role as an accounting unit: the basket of four currencies that compose it the dollar, the euro, the yen and sterling is occasionally used to value internationally traded goods. 这使得SDR大体上变得无足轻重,除了作为一种核算单位的次要角色:由4种货币(美元、欧元、日元和英镑)构成的货币篮子只是偶尔被用于评估国际贸易商品的价值。
SHANGHAI& The Shanghai International Film Festival may have played only a minor role in the blockbuster success of Transformers: Age of Extinction in China last year. 上海&对于《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)去年在中国取得的巨大成功,上海国际电影节也许只起到了很小的作用。
The actor seems very pleased to play a minor role in the drama. 那名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。
Depository banks, the guys in the marble buildings, now play only a minor role in channeling funds from savers to borrowers; 现在,钱从储户流向贷款者的过程中。那些坐落在大理石建筑里的储蓄银行只起到很小的作用;
Overall though, these swings in the exchange rate have played only a relatively minor role in explaining the recent cycle in underlying inflation which has been primarily driven by domestic factors. 总之,汇率的波动仅仅起到相对较小的作用,在解释最近的基础通胀周期时,认为主要的驱动力是来自内在因素。
This extraordinary transformation was the result of a complex set of policies, with exchange rates having played only a minor role. 这种非同寻常的转变,是一系列复杂的政策组合的结果,汇率只在其中扮演了很小的角色。
He seems to be content with a fairly minor role in the government. 他似乎满足于在政府中扮演一个不起眼的小角色。
To properly revaluate Yan Song, we should stick to a scientific research method and pay attention to distinguishing the main role and minor role Yan Song played in the historic development. 要对严嵩进行恰当的重新评价,必须坚持一条科学的研究思路;同时要注意区分严嵩在历史发展过程中的主要作用与次要作用。
She played a minor role in the opera. 她在那出歌剧里扮演了一个小角色。
She acted as a minor role in the play. 她在剧中扮演了一个次要的角色。
Mike plays a minor role in the movie. 迈克在那部电影里扮演一个配角。
That is, while drawing on your own intuitions and past experience about the material being presented is permissible, it is not analysis, and should play a minor role in your write-up. 也就是说,以你自己的与此材料有关的洞察力与过去的经验来书写是被允许的,这并非是分析,并应该在你的作业中只占一小部份。
He was proud of having ever played a minor role in a play. 他对自己曾在一本剧本里扮演过一个次要角色很自豪。
The point is that imitation plays at best a very minor role in the child's mastery of language. 结论是,模仿在儿童的语言学习中所起的作用不大。
In severe creasing the frictional resistance plays only a minor role in determining the crease resistance. 在严重的折皱作用下,摩擦阻力在织物抗折皱能力中仅居次要地位。
American affiliates in China also played a surprisingly minor role in mediating the contentious export growth of Chinese-made but American-branded products. 在促成有争议的中国造美国品牌产品出口增长方面,美国在华企业也令人意外地仅发挥了次要的作用。
Corporate communications, such as advertising, play a relatively minor role in this process. It is what the company does, not what it says, that reinforces the brand in the minds of customers. 广告之类的企业公关活动在这个过程中发挥的作用相对较小。巩固品牌在顾客心目中的地位在于行,而不在于言。
The Nordic battlefield has an indelible effect as a minor role in World War II. 北欧战场虽在二战中居于次要地位,但在二战中也有不可磨灭的作用。
Could it be that science, which has long played a minor role in exploration, is at last destined to take a leading role? 长期以来在探索过程中一直扮演着次要角色的科学将最终发挥主要作用,是这样吗?
Overall, nerve blocks play a minor role in anesthesia because of the discomfort they cause the patient and the time they require. 总的说来,由于神经阻滞引起病人不适及所需时间长,因而在麻醉中起的作用很小。
Immunity to disease is primarily cell-mediated, with humoral immunity playing a minor role. PI/ LI/ FI/ CI: Monsters Immune to Physical, Lightning, Fire, or Cold. 对该病的免疫主要是细胞免疫,体液免疫作用轻微。怪物实体攻击无效,闪电免疫,火焰免疫或冰冷免疫。
Pinocytosis probably plays a minor role in drug transport, except for protein drugs. 除蛋白质类药物外,胞饮在药物转运过程作用不大。
The higher-order dispersions play a relatively minor role. 更高阶的色散效应影响较小。
Other causes such as tectonic movement, geo-engineering factors are playing a minor role. 构造因素、工程地质因素是地面沉降的次要原因。
Up to now, our country's overall level of architectural creation has considerable progressed, but in world stage we still act as "the minor role", the formation of Chinese modern architecture characteristic still waits for the date and time. 至今,我国建筑创作的总体水平有了长足的进步,但在世界建筑舞台上仍扮演着配角,中国现代建筑特色的形成还有待时日。
As to the financial risk, the bond now has played a very minor role in financial field. 对于国债金融风险,根据现实经济环境,国债对金融领域的干扰已经很小。
Seeing from the relationship between teacher and student, the view that teacher is the leading role of teaching but student is the minor role of teaching has changed. Seeing from teacher self, teacher not only passes on knowledge to student, but also researches the teaching. 从师生关系来看,在一定程度上改变了教师是教学的主角、学生是教学的配角的观念;从教师自身来看,教师不仅是知识的传授者,同时也成为教学的研究者。
Therefore, the peasant workers has become a must function and structure of current social life from the minor role at the quite beginning. 可见,进城农民工已经从初期拾遗补阙的角色逐渐演变成为了目前社会生活中不可或缺的功能和结构。